Vera: Telling Tales (2011)
Season 1, Episode 2
It's a "no" for me
29 January 2023
I'm obviously in the minority, but about 2/3 through this episode I realized that I absolutely did not like a single character, most especially Vera. I finished the episode just to have some closure but was then in a terrible mood for the rest of the night. This series is just not for me.

Perhaps it gets better in later seasons but after 2 episodes it felt extremely lacking in any originality. When it gets down to it, just how original is any character or story, but somehow, there are so many other shows that still manage to feel fresh and which I'd rather be watching. It's like "oh look, Vera's dad just died and she inherited his place - just like Wallender" or "hey, she drinks a lot and is prickly - just like Jane Tennison." She's yet another detective who is a hot mess but she gets to stay around because she's so brilliant. Except she's not really? In two episodes she comes off like nothing special as a detective, all while showing up looking like a slob, telling off all those working under her, and at one point actually throws things at one in her command. Sure he was blabbing to a suspect, but that makes it ok for her to act deranged? Are we supposed to be impressed that she's a woman acting just like male detectives have on other shows? Maybe if it were 1985. Snooze.

The other cops have next to no personality besides the one who finds his marriage boring after his wife had his third kid and the baby keeps him awake. Wow. I don't feel like the world is so lacking in quality content that "well the acting is good" is enough of a reason to watch. The actual plot of the mystery, especially in this episode, just could not keep my attention. I kept finding myself looking at my phone or some other distraction.

I all around hated this.
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