The season Kimberly should've bombed the complex.
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like season 7, it's my favorite season since the fourth. But I can't stand any of the characters anymore. And flat out hate some. Amanda, the filthy manipulator, who dares calling someone else, vile. Kyle the tool, who thinks he is the hero of the show. His brother, Ryan, who was double the McBride cringe. As well as Michael, the liar (even though he can be funny sometimes) and Megan, the fake. I'm still not sure why they didn't end up together. They really deserve each other. But maybe she just loves lying to herself. I like her animal friendly attitude, and love for her parents (the part she said goodbye to her father, was moving) but that's it. She's too two face for my taste. The more I rewatch the season, the less I understand why Jane came back. She's clearly too good for this toxic atmosphere, now. And Lexi needs to stop trying to belong to this nest of vipers. She's too much of a softy, and writers should've find other ways to empower her. I kind of forgot how cute Peter and Eve were at first, but I can't forget how things unraveled between them later. I really like her songs, though. I also love their encounter with Lexi, near the end of the episode. And the little argument that followed. The way the episode ended, was great as well. And hinted at something finally interesting for the Ryan character. So far I like the early seasons feel season 7 had, which I more or less forgot. But it's also the one where I want to strangle the « heroes » the most. So it was obviously time to go.
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