Unashamedly unique and yet deliciously nostalgic!
26 January 2023
This flick stars a unicorn of a character. Onyx is maybe a bit of an acquired taste, but I love him! More Onyx movies please!

Instantly you're invited into this special world that the title character inhabits, and I just love how it feels absurd and grounded and timeless all at the same time. The casting was great. But I honestly had a little trouble connecting with Mack in the first half - I was won over and moved to tears by them later on though!

Olivia Taylor Dudley slays! Mr. Combs...OMG. Bartok is now one of my favorite villains in a comedy. Keepin it beefy!

The creatures and make up effects were lovely. The story was fun and it felt surprisingly grand for being set largely at one location. The visual effects were a distraction at times but mostly did the job. What a warm blanket the cinematography was, pleasingly soft and evocative! A great vibe to making it feel like a bit of an 80s/90s cult film.

The music was oh so good! The heck my guy!? That's a million dollar score right there. How did you get that?? And the handful of homages to the works of Huey Lewis, Trevor Jones, Brad Fiedel, etc. Chef's kiss!

Sound design was rich and colorful. I loved the sequence involving the sharing of dreams and I almost choked on a few sound gags like the book making that pathetic noise for the virgin bit. Hah!

This was a naughty good time too. Curses and curse words abound! And the dream sequence of my dreams! Oh boy!

The next one better have more practical creatures, more naughty behavior, and the same wonderfully endearing Onyx the Fortuitous!!

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