Violent Night (2022)
Action movie for actors
24 January 2023
There's a popular misconception that action stars don't really have to act. All they have to do is make the fighting look real, everything else is secondary. This misconception gave birth to the career of a few big action stars who's acting abilities are fairly minimal - I won't mention any names but every action lover can make his own list with ease. Still, I always thought that being able to act is as important in action movies as it is in any other movie. In fact, I think that the choreography of movies' fight scenes is the secondary bit, that could always be worked out.

For me David Harbour's performance in this movie is a case in point, it's the second time I notice him in a movie, and the second time I'm owed by his talent. The first time I noticed him was in Black Widow, but I found out that I saw him before in a few other movies, never realising he was there. It's very simple, Harbour is the kind of actor who get so completely into his roles that if you don't pay special attention, you'll miss him altogether. That is, unless his role is big enough to stand out. Harbour is not a scene stealer, he's a consummate professional who performs his role so flawlessly it's as if he's not there, only the role he plays. Without him this movie would've been nothing more than a bloodbath with some Home Alone jokes, with him it gains unexpected depth. The jaded Santa he plays, is so human one has to empathize with him. One can almost feel what it would be like to be that mythical being giving gifts everywhere one Christmas after the other.

Harbour gets some real support from John Leguizamo and from Beverly D'Angelo the rest of the cast is very professional, but no special fireworks are flying on screen. And yes, we do get loads of blood - if that's not your cup of tea - avoid the movie, but if you don't mind cinematic bloodletting - this just might be the movie for you.
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