Happily surprised
24 January 2023
I watched this film as part of my yearly oscar round up (best animated short) and was so struck by it that I felt like I needed to write a review. The film is (at the moment) available to watch for free on vimeo, do check it out.

The connection between this film and the work of Richard Linklater is easily made because of their similar visual style and use of rotoscoping animation. The film uses this technique quite smartely creating a sense of universality whilst remaining deeply personal. The mixing in of both real life footage as well as more fantastical animation works briliantly and enhances the aformentioned personal touch. We aren't just watching a story, we are experiencing the life of an actual person and are being drawn into their perspective. The rotoscoping technique, as a result of its intentionally rugged and crude finishing, not only brings us deeper into the mindset of the main character but also evokes the hazy memories of, and nostalgia for the 90's.

The connection with Linklater does not solely lie with its animation, its storytelling too very much reminds me of films of his. Just following a person around as they experience the awkward beauty of life, and love. Many will recognize elements of themselves in this film and look back at their early romantic endeavours with a mix of joy and dread, but hopefully mostly a sense of having learned from their past. The film jumps from failed relationship to failed hook up to failed one night stand, all with plentyfull teen angst. This angst and awkwardness is continuesly undercut with breezy comedy that one cannot help but smirk at. I wouldn't call the film a comedy, but that's what makes its humor so effective, it is everday, it is the kind off humor you would experience with your friends.

The voice-acting of the film fits perfectly with the tone and storytelling. You never contemplate that these are actors, the voices are those of the characters.

I haven't seen the other nominated films yet, but they would have to be hella great to beat this. Check it out. While you're add it also give Linklater's latest, Apollo 10 1/2 a watch on Netflix.
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