House M.D.: Fidelity (2004)
Season 1, Episode 7
Love is Forgiveness
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of House teaches a valuable lesson on the characteristics of love and relationships.

When the suburban household becomes stale and isolating, people need to find comfort in something else, or someone else.

So what if they catch african sleeping sickness from the person they cheat on their spouse with? So what if that disease can be transmitted to their spouse through sex? So what if they lie to their spouse then eventually confess moments away from death?

Forgiveness is an infinite resource. I only hope most people who would ever find themselves in this situation would look deeply into their lying, cheating, selfish, greedy, egotistical, narcissistic, self-absorbed, smug, psychotic partner's eyes and forgive them.

House Quote: "Yeah.. see, if you're gonna repeat everything I say this conversation is gonna take twice as long."
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