A brain dead, but oddly entertaining, B-movie actioneer
24 January 2023
They definitely had my attention in the first half. I was enjoying the story set up and the film had this fun 90's action movie feel to it, which was working for it in a way I hadn't expected. The only thing at that point that wasn't working for me was the acting. Ranging from standard all the way to ridiculous and over the top, but a lot of that can be blamed on the film's dialogue. Some it sounded like it was written by a high school drama club it was so bad. However fun and entertaining that first have may have been, it does nothing to save itself from tedium and bad story direction in the last half. The twist at the end negates everything we saw previous, made Michael's mission pointless and made me feel like I had just wasted my time. One of the worst movie endings I think I've ever seen if I'm being honest. It ruins the film. My only other complaint with the movie is it's length. Some of the material could have been cut as it is extremely redundant and makes the film start to drag at about half way through. In all honesty, I couldn't recommend this film, but if religious movies are your thing, you might get a kick out of it.

1.5 archangels out of 5.
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