Springfloden (2016–2018)
24 January 2023
I don't know why programs like this are so rare over here in the U. S. All the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark - produce impressive dramas frequently enough that "Nordic noir" has become a distinct, recognizable genre. For that matter, the French, Belgians, and Dutch do some pretty darned good shows, as well. Rarely do you see a car chase, thank goodness.

Springfloden ("Spring Tide") is one of Sweden's better offerings in the past several years. It began slowly, and built at a snail's pace, but every moment was important to the plot. For my money, season 2 was much better than the first, though I give both very high marks. Knowing there were only 10 episodes for each meant I knew there would be story resolution and not some endless cliffhanger arc with no conclusion. There were some mildly frustrating moments for me that I can only attribute to cultural differences between American and North European societies. Characters' attitudes toward homelessness, drug use, the sex trade, and other issues surprised me in some instances. I think what makes these programs so interesting to me is when the action goes in a slightly different direction than I expect. Keeps me on my toes. Anyway, this is a great series, and I hope to see a third season. But as with all good things in life, we may only get this little bit and no more.
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