The most boring lifetime movie ever
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I usually love Lifetime movies and saw this on Hulu and thought it sounded good. Wrong. This was quite possibly the most boring movie I've ever seen. Girl gets kidnapped. Mom is sad. The rest of the movie is Corey Matthews from Boy Meets World in a ridiculous mask playing chess with the worst actress I've ever seen (who looks way, way older than 14). The movie is literally 75% them playing chess and him pacing around while she's tied on a bed. No one knows why he kidnapped her, why he let her go, or what he wanted from her. There was no sexual abuse shown or even implied, and he was made out to be some goofy guy who believed in conspiracy theories. Don't waste your time on this movie. It's so bad. It's laughably bad.
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