Exodus (2007)
Fear and Anxiety about Women - Review of "Exodus"
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Since "Isabella" (2006), director Pang Ho-Cheung has officially embarked on the road of making "art film". It's different from his past films "You Shoot, I Shoot" (2001), "Men Suddenly in Black" (2003), and even the more literary "Beyond Our Ken" (2004), as well as "anti-art film" "AV". To a certain extent, he's still in the same line in the choice of subject matter, but he no longer laughs, scolds and is funny in the shooting method, but seriously expresses his thoughts through the films. In fact, "Beyond Our Ken" has already begun to emerge, but at that time he still handled it in the mode of making a "commercial film", which made the film more effective with less effort.

This time, "Exodus" can be said to be a continuation of "Beyond Our Ken". The titles of the two films are both from Western literary masterpieces. (Chinese title of "Beyond Our Ken" is "Princess Revenge", which is derived from Chinese title of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", "Prince Revenge"). The so-called "Exodus" is to point out a past event of the protagonist Simon Yam Tat-Wah, which made him understand that there are many things in the world, absurd to a certain extent, but it really exists, just like the "Exodus" in the "Bible".

The film tells that Tsim Kin-Yip, a police officer played by Simon Yam, made a confession with Kwan Ping-Man, a suspect played by Nick Cheung Ka-Fai. Kwan revealed a group of female killers who specialized in killing men. Later, the confession was not found in the evidence room. Tsim made a new confession for Kwan. He even overturned the previous confession. Tsim felt that the incident was suspicious and decide to pursue it. Later events involved Tsim's wife Ann (played by Annie Liu Sum-Yau) and his superior Fong (played by Maggie Shiu Mei-Kei). Although the ending of the film is not unexpected, it describes the relationship between Tsim and his wife. Later, after Kwan's death, he catches up with Kwan's wife Pun Siu-Yuen (played by Irene Wan Bik-Ha), describing the subtlety and fragility of the relationship between men and women.

Like "Beyond Our Ken", the film has a kind of fear and anxiety about women's mentality, and has a rather negative attitude towards the maintenance of the relationship between the sexes. "Beyond Our Ken" tells a story of a bad man getting revenge by a women, while "Exodus" tells a story about a good man who has been repressed for too long and accidentally cheated during the investigation of the case, and was poisoned by his wife.

By Kam Po LAM (original in Chinese)
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