Review of Transfusion

Transfusion (I) (2023)
Just how many times...
22 January 2023 I have to write "Garbage from start to finish!" before I reach the required minimum number of characters?

The acting is abysmal, the budget probably minuscule - but still too high for this total washout. Paper-thin characters, the now-obligatory dumb and self-obsessed teenager, wooden acting, boring and predictable dialogue, and back-of-a-cigarette-packet "plot" - the full panoply of predictable and done-to-death tropes and non-existent Australian production values are here for all to see and suffer from.

Apparently Mr Worthington won the Australian Film Institute's Best Male Actor and then went to make a career voicing CGI characters; from the evidence of this film that was a very smart move on his part.

There is a nugget of good news here, however - no celluloid was wasted on producing this junk.
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