From The Age Of Infinite Ammo...We Give You, Lady Terminator!
21 January 2023
What a wild, oddly high budget ride, of absolute weirdness.

Lady Terminator is a totally bizarre Indonesian action-horror flick, featuring, mostly, American actors.

It all begins with some background lore, about a mythological character known as the Queen of the South Seas, who, in a bid to find a man who can truly please her...bangs all sorts of dudes- who end dying, from having their penises eat by the eel that has taken up residence in her vagina.

That is, before she meets a man that actually hits that G spot, and is able to extract the snake-like creature...which then magically transforms into a knife, which he is able to defeat her with.

Angered by this, she curses the man, saying that she will return in 100 years to target his grand daughter.

Fast Forward that 100 years, and we find ourselves following an American anthropologist, who sets out in search of the sunken lair of said Queen of the South Seas.

Which she manages to find after some really poorly edited sequences, laden with bad 80's humour.

Only to be tied down, and infiltrated by the vagina-eel, which allows the demonic Queen to possess her body...which she plans on using as a conduit, to hunt down the last remaining granddaughter in the family line of the man that she had previously cursed.

And hence, the Lady Terminator is born (played by American actress Barbara Anne Constable).

Wielding a military grade assault weapon, with an infinite amount of ammo (and no need to ever reload)...she goes on a mission to hunt down., and kill, this young woman, named Erica (played by Indonesian actress Claudia Angelique Rademaker).

Though not before gunning down several dozen local civilians in the process.

This wanton disregard of covertness, puts her on the radar of the local police, which are led by a white guy named Max McNeil (played by Christopher J. Hart), who doesn't speak much, after losing his wife to a rape murder in Minnesota.

He sets out with his A-Team of paramilitary goons (most notably a mulleted surfer dude named Snake) to hunt down and eliminate the Lady terminator, before she is able to kill Erica- whom he awkwardly falls in love with in the process.

What ensues is, more or less, pure action, with a little horror, and a forced love story sprinkled in for good measure.

For such a bad film, it seemed (inexplicably) to have a relatively budget.

Considering the amount of stuff that gets blown up in the film.

But they clearly spent the bulk of the FX budget on pyro (and stuff to blow up), as opposed to, well, anything else.

Because, as an action film, it's really quite entertaining, but in regards to the other aspects of the plot and storyline...it's very much of the so incredibly bad it's hilariously good quality.

So expect to be entertained (unless you can't get around the running plotholes present in many old action films).

In the end, there's only one way to kill the Lady Terminator, though.

And that certainly isn't by fire or force.

Only magic can win the day, and secure what is probably one of the most ridiculous love stories ever captured for a straight to VHS market.

It's kind of a great film, for how truly bad it really is.

If only it spawned a sequel.

Let's hope this one gets the reboot it so greatly deserves (this is sarcasm btw).

4.5 out of 10.
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