Bonkers Plot Executed Poorly
20 January 2023
This movie has an absolutely bonkers plot but it's not even fun to watch due to the poor execution. The lighting is so dark and the editing is so frantic during the "action" scenes that you can't tell what is even going on. The special effects used for the demons and the design of Satan is lame, when you somehow are able to see them. The gore effects are just downright lazy. The bad direction leads to cheesy performances from the entire cast. The score is bland. Every time this movie seems like it's going to go crazy and do something fun with its premise, the movie almost stops itself. The movie is only 111 minutes yet it feels bloated. Also the movie takes itself too seriously, even though there are scenes that are unintentionally funny, and it would work a lot better as an action horror comedy. I don't know why whatever studio put this stinker out decided to release this in theaters.
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