A Winter Princess (2019 TV Movie)
A royal princess hides in plain sight
20 January 2023
7.3 stars.

A European princess is sowing her wild oats at an American ski resort town, all the while keeping her identity a secret. The totality of her desires is simply to spread her wings and live a life free from the burdens of being royalty for as long as possible.

Outside of any limitations this film has I do believe the characters come to life quite nicely. All of the personalities are full and interesting and their interactions are fresh and lively. The dialogue is intelligent and mature. We are brought into the fold in a way that makes us feel part of the story. Can't quite put a finger on how, but 'A Winter Princess' is sufficiently entertaining.

On the other hand, it's not very believable how the princess sounds and acts more American than half of the Americans. She has absolutely no resemblance to a European at all. Her gestures, body language, the way she delivers herself - all very much small town America. At least give her a slight accent from time to time, make the locals look sideways at her just once or twice. That would add some intrigue and accountability. Do us a favor Mr. And Mrs. Hallmark and try not to insult our intelligence with this lack of authenticity. Thank you, and good day.
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