Ash and Bone (2022)
Proof is in the pudding!
19 January 2023
Looking at the big split in "audience reviews" it's clear that there are some with an axe to grind and they're trying to sabotage and that's disturbing and appalling for sure. For an independent film to break through to the mainstream without placement the way this film has done is almost unheard of.. So if you're still on the fence about this movie let me try and help.

Festival awards and nominations across the globe in festivals that's been around 10, 20 years and more.

Over 30 critics are saying great things about the film and rating it between good and great.

It has literally trended almost non-stop since it's release on multiple platforms with huge subscriber bases and still is 3 1/2 months later..

So I guess you can listen to the haters or check it out for yourself..
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