A highly inaccurate portrayal of an event; meant for entertainment purposes only.
19 January 2023
This semi-obscure movie is based off of James Corcoran's book "Bitter Harvest". Said book was publicly denounced by Kahl's wife Joan as being inaccurate and filled with lies. That should say quite a bit right from the start...

The inconsistencies, inaccuracies, etc. In this movie compared to the actual events that took place and the people involved are so plentiful I made a list.

  • Joan Kahl is portrayed as skittish and weak when in reality she was a caring mother of 6+ children.

  • Rod Steiger is strangely complemented by some as looking the part he plays but IMO he is a bit too short and heavy-set, and strangely always seems to be wearing the same set of clothes.

  • As mentioned in some of the other reviews here, the filming locations are noticeably wrong to anyone familiar with ND. There are far too many trees and a distinct lack of snow in the scenes.

  • GK is portrayed as a racist, bitter old man hell-bent on getting revenge, when in reality he was a religious father who admitted to not enjoying killing the marshals and just wanted to be left alone by the government.

  • The entire Medina shootout scene is wrong, from the vehicles used to the positioning of those vehicles to who fired at certain times, etc.

  • The Arkansas shootout is entirely wrong as well, the movie shows a long exchange of gunfire and GK is killed via smoke inhalation and an explosion. In reality GK never fired a shot and was murdered by a local sheriff who was then killed by friendly fire.

  • Many of the names used to represent people in the movie have been changed from their real-life counterpart, maybe due to consent issues or fear of legal action for whatever reason.

This movie is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Those looking for an actually accurate portrayal of the events it is based on should watch the documentary Death & Taxes.
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