Everybody sucks
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Geez, when I'm rooting for korra's team to lose then you know the writers screwed up...

So, what happened?! I've been enjoying korra so far, it's been good, not great, until this episode, which was just trash. I've always hated love square storylines in television, but this was one of the worst executions of that. Listen, writers. Conflict between characters is necessary. However, forcing the conflict by making everyone unlikeable is not the way to do it!

Bolin and mako weren't that bad in this episode, at least not compared to korra, but they still had some annoying moments. Bolin catching them kiss was so contrived and dumb. I kept rolling my eyes when Bolin called mako a traitor. But korra! Oh my lord was she awful. First, she insists to mako that he likes her, even though he clearly says he has feelings for Asami. Then they get into this painfully predictable fight that exists solely to further the plot along. I mean seriously, this whole conflict exists just to rack up the "tension" when the characters play poorly in the bending match.

Also, korra kissing mako was so cringe-inducing. Just... why?! That moment when the avatar, one of the strongest characters in the story, has the emotional intelligence of a middle schooler.

My last gripe in the episode comes from the bending match, which in an episode full of predictable moments, is ironically too unpredictable. Instead of the 3 characters putting aside their drama and teaming up to win, korra wins the game all by herself. This honestly just confused me. There was no reason to have korra save the day. Literally the only possible satisfying way for them to win would be to team up. Cause you know... that's how conflicts are resolved? Idk man this ep is just weird... 4/10 because they made up at the end, otherwise it'd be a 3. Also rami malek is in this haha.
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