Review of The Fear

The Fear (1995)
Had some interesting ideas, but wasn't developed enough
13 January 2023
'The Fear' is a decent enough low budget horror flick from the mid 90's with strong production values, a promising premise with some interesting ideas and a cool looking wooden dummy killer named 'Morty' that does add some effective creepiness whenever it's on screen. The movie does move along at a decent pace and the attempts by the filmmakers at creating something more than the usual slasher fodder is commendable, but it doesn't fully pay off due to the movie being poorly constructed.

The plot = A college student Richard (Eddie Bowz) gathers a group of his friends to his family's secluded cabin in the woods for a psychological experiment called "fear therapy" and finds his old childhood dummy called 'Morty' as part of the experiment, which triggers everyone's darkest secrets and before long it comes to life and starts killing off the group by using their own fears.

The movie is an okay time waster but the attempts at doing more with the characters rather than delivering gory kills doesn't fully work as almost none of these elements ever really comes together as everything feels rushed and underdeveloped. There's perhaps a little too much focus on the story which itself is very much half-baked with side plots adding nothing to the overall film and other elements being poorly explained and becomes very muddled at times. When the horror elements do finally come into play it feels a little bland and despite an okay build up in the first half, the movie ends way too abruptly and should have had a tighter script to help make this a more effective psychological horror film.

The acting is fine Morty himself is a genuinely creepy looking character with decent effects used to bring him to life played by Erick Weiss. Eddie Bowz did fine as the leading man Richard but wasn't very likeable and lacked charisma, but he was hot though so that's a plus. Heather Medway was also decent as Ashley, but was very underwritten, but she was one of the more likable characters in this movie. Darin Heames was fun as the creep stoner Troy, Vince Edwards had some fun over the top moments as Uncle Pete and Wes Craven also made for a fun yet very brief cameo as Dr Arnold.

Overall 'The Fear' is somewhat entertaining with some interesting ideas, but was way too flawed to be considered a cult classic.
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