The Misunderstood Greatness of Dark Side Of Dimensions
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While many have their differing opinions on the movie of just saying that it's just "fan service", they fail to see the bigger picture and nuances that the movie had included, especially the life lesson that Shadi teaches his disciples of the principles of how hatred is born and how even fear can invoke such things within a person to do bad. This moral is what makes the movie such an important film to watch as we see the product of fear unfold into hatred in our antagonist Aigami as he is set on not only killing the vessel of the Pharaoh, Yugi, but also on getting revenge for Shadi's death. The movie is more than just pretty animation, Dark Side of Dimensions includes a lot of interesting dynamics for characters, fascinating lore and inspirations for some of the things that you see, and it is clear that a lot of thought had been put into this movie to be enjoyed by older and newer fans alike. There are a lot of elements added in; there is even some nostalgia for some of the older fans by having Atem come back from the afterlife but acts as as a touching moment nonetheless and doesn't overshadow of what the film would be truly about.

The power of the Plana came into the world once the Pharaoh had left for the afterlife, Aigami and the rest of his disciples were given this power by Shadi, which gives them the unique ability to traverse dimensions and alter reality, however, the power of the Plana is a one time deal, as if the Pharaoh were to ever return to earth, the power would be lost forever, even if he returns back right after into the afterlife. Aigami in FEAR of losing his powers on what could possibly change reality into a better place, he is set on a path of killing Yugi to ensure that the Pharaoh never returns. Essentially his fear of potentially losing his power, ends him on the path to kill, and through all of the setbacks eventually lead to hatred within his heart. This movie hit home for me the moment when Shadi explained the process of how even fear within the human heart and mind can transform into hatred in the long term. This lesson is what must be understood when watching the film.

Let's talk about Dimension summoning...Again, dimension summoning didn't have to make sense for any enjoyment for the story. A problem with the Yu-Gi-Oh card game is that it is too complicated, so in order to save time for the spectacle of showing the game being played in the movie with all of the monsters at a faster pace, Dimension summoning was added in for a way so that monsters wouldn't require any tributes and therefore be more entertaining to see the game being played as they had to fit in 4 Duels. (Aigami vs Kaiba) (Yugi vs Aigami) (Yugi vs Kaiba) and (Yugi and Kaiba vs Corrupted Aigami). Dimension summoning was used as a spectacle, so the argument against it doesn't really make sense. The purpose was so that the movie could be easily followed, and just enjoyed as an ability the movie introduced, it is its own unique thing and I am fine with that.

The movie's animation was great, dynamic characters, interesting motives, down to earth message and moral to wrap things up, some nostalgia, and overall a great movie. If some of you are still bitter about this movie just being "nostalgia bait", please watch the movie again, I think it is an important film for anyone to watch, especially for the lesson that Shadi teaches to his disciples before he dies. Dark Side Of Dimensions is an 8.9/10 for me. Make sure to be mindful and go in with an open mind and think to yourself, "Just what is Kazuki Takahashi trying to say?"
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