Mayfair Witches: The Witching Hour (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Clunky acting, trope-y writing, bad directing
11 January 2023
This show is a disappointment. It's like a Lifetime show. Everything is unoriginal & un-nuanced. The men are 99% creepy jerks. It's so weird how there isn't ONE NORMAL GUY. They all talk in that slimy, creepy uncle way. The female characters are not the greatest either. There's no complexity to any of this series. It hit sthe nail on the head with broad characters and weak plot and tropes out the wazoo.

It's sad. I don't know how talented people can go so wrong. But it happens and now that we have great shows like Outlander and A Discovery of Witches, The Mayfair Witches just doesn't rise to that level.
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