Review of Shockwaves

Shockwaves (2022)
You NEED to read this...even with SPOILERS!!
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How very à propos to see that rating and's much too high for this movie.

This is going to have spoilers...there is no other way to save you from watching this.

Firstly, the scientist who predicts the earthquake has one remark to say when he makes his discovery. "Oh no!", then he shuffles a bunch of papers, tells his colleagues he's going to get his family because the biggest earthquake in recorded history is going to hit today. Very calm, no doubts from anyone about his prediction and off he goes.

Then there is his rush to get to his family who happen to be at the predicted epicenter. He drives casually and eventually puts in a call to 911 to report the impending earthquake. The operator doesn't make any sense and hangs up on him but then again, the scientist never identified himself so how could he be taken seriously? There also was no panic or sense of urgency in his voice...he was monotone, quiet, slow to respond...almost like he was just mumbling in his sleep.

His benefactor tells him he can bring his family to her bunker, that she's been working on for years for such "end of world" eventuality.

The trip to his family is filled with scenes of what looks like uniform sized bowling balls rolling down hills. When cracks form on the road, he uses his toes to test if the ground is firm enough to keep going. He gets carjacked in the middle of the country side by two masked thieves....not a soul in sight but these guys figured they'd find someone to carjack out there. I couldn't help laughing.

The bunker ended up being an old factory or warehouse, in dilapidated condition. It has long tunnels and hallways that had equipment stacked neatly to the sides. Everything remains intact after the shaking of the tables, which was the only earthquake scene you will see if you have 90 minutes of your time to waste. The room they end up in is not at all a bunker, but some room with boarded up windows.

They get out again perhaps 10 minutes after they walked in. They act like OMG! If it looks this bad in the hallways and tunnels, we can't imagine how bad it must be outside, yet, everything is still as it was...neatly stacked to the sides of the hallways. There is no clutter on the floors and when they do step out, the parking lot is untouched, the cars all in pristine condition, as if nothing ever happened.

The end.

Exciting movie huh? Please....don't waste your time. I just did that for you. :)
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