Willow (2022–2023)
The story of Willow continues in new entertaining, modern fantasy, adolescent-geared, Disney show!
8 January 2023
I must preface this review by saying that the original film is an absolute classic and my favorite movie of all time. It is difficult to compare the new show to the original film; however, being a huge fan of the original story and characters has made this show exciting and even a blast to watch. While the script and characters are definitely more geared for a modern, 'teeny bopper', Disney-oriented audience, it still did not disappoint in the realm of fantasy, magic, love, friendship, human experience, and humor. Overall, I found that it is fun, entertaining, dramatic, and has tons of connections to the original film, which really keeps me most interested in watching it. I also thought that while the story and plot were pretty simple, they were also clever, especially in regards to Elora not knowing who she was and what she was capable of - and watching that discovery and growth unfold throughout the series. The new, distinct characters that go together on the quest, despite acting like awkward and maybe even annoying modern teenagers, are actually pretty fun/ny as well as those they meet along the way. I enjoyed seeing all of their interactions and growth throughout Season 1. Warwick Davis, as Willow, remains true to his original character. And I love how "what happened to Mad Mardigan" remains a mystery so that he is actually honored as a vital part of the new series without necessarily starring in it. While the series does not have the same vibe as the original film it is based on (especially with its more modernized, adolescent take), it is still a fun, creative, and entertaining way to keep the story going - and I am really hoping for and cannot wait for Season 2! Thank you, Disney and Lucasfilm for bringing the fantasy and magic of the story of Willow back into our lives!
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