6 January 2023
FLIGHT FROM DESTINY reminds me of an episode from tv's Alfred Hitchcock Presents, as you have a neat combo of noir and fantasy, and with some intriguing characters. Oscar winning Thomas Mitchell is perfect for the role of an aging criminology professor (Todhunter?) who is given only months to live. Rather than sit around and wait for fate, why not put his theories into gear and become judge and jury of someone criminal?

Sounds like Hitchcock, right? This was one of many slick B-films Warner Brothers turned out on the 1930s and 40s and with superb casts. Credit Barry Trivers for the story, who would go onto write for THE MILLIONAIRE tv series, later several top detective shows, like MANNIX and KOJAK. His work was extensive. This was also an early effort for director Vincent Sherman, a WB staple for years. The cast is unforgettable with co-stars Geraldine Fitzgerald and Jeffrey Lynn. Jonathan Hale (ole Mr. Dithers in BLONDIE) has a fun part as the district attorney who thinks Mitchell is just plain nuts! Spanish actress Mona Maris steals the show as the ultimate spoiled rotten baddie, who is judged and sentenced by Prof. Todhunter to die. Maris in later years wrote she was always hissed because she played so many female villains and got stuck in that type of role. Also look for a young William Hopper (PERRY MASON) as Travin and distinguished Thurston Hall as Dean Somers. Solid late show stuff that you can't miss with that cast. Thanks Warner Brothers. Always on dvd.
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