True Detective: Omega Station (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Good riddance season 2
6 January 2023
The only good thing about Season 2 of True Detective is that it ended and that says a lot. You know that saying "could 100 monkeys on typewriters write a Shakespeare play if they had unlimited amount of time". I don't know that but I know for a fact that 100 monkeys could write a better story than second season of this show. This whole thing is an insult to viewers as well as the name of True Detective.

This whole season was a massive failure and disaster in every sense of the word. If they tried hard to make a season this terrible on purpose, they couldn't accomplish it but here we are witnessing an incredibly terrible season of a show that had absolutely nothing in common with the first season except for its name.

There are so many problems with this season that I don't even know where to start. There are 50 characters with 50 different stories and each story goes 50 different directions without any explanations. To add to confusion, every character constantly talks in vague terms or in riddles and it's literally impossible to follow the story. On top of that, add all the plot holes, logical errors and lack of common sense and you get yourself a alphabet soup of random letters.

There wasn't even a coherent story in the entire season. It felt like they just filmed hundreds of random clips and mashed them together in hopes that it will amount to something but it only amounted to one of the biggest failures in TV history.

The producers of this series should consider themselves the luckiest people on earth that HBO gave them a third season after filming such an incredibly terrible season. I've seen much better shows getting canceled after much better seasons than this incoherent pile of garbage.
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