huge reveal that may change the entire storyline
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We start with Miss Walker's aunt, who walked in on Anne Lister and Ann Walker in the room. After telling her husband what she saw, she reveals that she can't follow his instruction to keep that information to herself, because she's already told everyone she knows. For the first time, real-world stakes are established, as it is mentioned that a few weeks back, two gay men were hanged in a town square nearby. Yes, Anne and Ann could lose their lives for for this.

We see Anne get some support from her dad and sister for her potential live-in union with Miss Walker,we also see Anne's snobbish side weaken as she has a compassionate conversation with her footman about his recently canceled engagement, she discovers that her maid had a miscarriage. It's unusual to see Anne giving and receiving kindness, but considering that she was in an emotional disarray, That wasn't really surprising. We empathize with her footman even though I don't understand how he loved her without even being able to talk to her.

The Rossen brothers have an awesome mom who makes fun of them and has s much charisma. I really hope we see more of her. There's this scene where a 6-year-old boy drives Anne in a cart through a coal mine, and it illustrates the brutal conditions the poor people have to deal with, that does show clearly on Ann's reaction.

Then the last 10 minutes come which were so powerful. We discover that Miss Walker is living with PTSD from a history of sexual assault.

She says that she feels an obligation to marry her friend's recently widowed husband, who repeatedly forced himself on her. She is sick over the idea of telling Anne why she feels that obligation, and she blames herself for not being strong enough to repel her attacker, even while saying she told him no. She also feels unsure of whether she somehow consented just by existing in his home. Anne is clearly shocked and doesn't really know how to react. The show makes clear that Anne Lister will somehow be avenging or assisting Ann Walker in dealing with her rapist going forward after that final stare at the camera. We shall see in the next episodes.
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