A Ri(t)ch(ie) Guy
4 January 2023
No pun intended - and actually true for two characters in this. Both not played by Jason Statham - or none played would be the correct way to say it I reckon. But yes Statham teaming up with Guy Ritchie again - Hugh Grant coming back, after the last movie he did with him too. But while the focus may lie on Jason (and his introduction is as amazing as one can hope for, with F-bombs all over the place), it is the whole cast that is able to entice and make this quite a fun ride.

I was lucky enough to watch this in a sneak preview. And while I may have chuckled a few times more than others (especially with a lot of the jokes - maybe I was a bit easy to convey/entertain yesterday) and the movie has a lot of flaws ... I would still think that the good things outweigh everything else.

Apart from the jokes, there is a lot of action too ... not much character depth or story depth for that matter, but we would not want it any other way. This is supposed to entertain us ... and entertain us it does! What more do you need? Predictable and light overall it still has a few dark moments. Though I doubt anyone who is able to deal with swear words will take issue with the rest (like the ... let's call it case of mistaken identity/cell phone thing ... won't fall far off ... again no pun intended).

That all being said, just sit back, relax and let the movie (or Guy Ritchie) do their job ... or as a singer once said/sang: let me entertain you!
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