Sorry for Your Loss (2018–2019)
Raving Reviews?
4 January 2023
I don't know where the raving reviews came from, I don't want to be negative about the other reviews but I really can understand what they saw that I didn't. I saw a couple that said best show ever and others on how it made them cry. What I saw was uninspired acting. The writing wasn't terrible but it just wasn't good acting. I really like Elizabeth Olsen and Mamoudou Athie, they just didn't cut it here. I'm thinking the director just didn't ask enough from them.

I think a lot of us have been in the same situation one or more times in our lives. From the reviews I was really expecting some gut wrenching drama but the only time I even got a little emotional was when they had to put their dog down. Throughout the series I kept asking myself if I even cared about any of the characters. Sounds cold, I know. I promise I'm not a cold person I probable get choked up more than the average person when watching TV or movies. It's just that Sorry for you loss fell way short.
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