Having enjoyed Alexandra Pelosi's previous films
4 January 2023
I was not opposed to sitting through another one, regardless of subject. If you're sick of political films always pushing a viewpoint, and usually a rancid one, try one or two of A. Pelosi's documentaries. Don't get me wrong. It's fine to have an agenda (and she likely as not does have one), but don't cram it down the viewer's throat (she hasn't). Few get the access AP has had, and none as much she has had with this particular subject! Her hands off approach and humor go far in a way that makes me happy a film about Nancy P was made by a woman, and doubly so that it was Alexandra. Being not well-verses on Nancy Pelosi's life prior to Obama, it was great to realize I am inspired by her as much as I am by Hillary, and Ruth Bader. Her resume is as impressive as any, and AP captured her humanity and imperfections. When you watch the adversity she's dealt with, you can really begin wonder how she didn't give up. Uncanny she made it this far AND managed to actually get a lot accomplished. So few Republican politicians ever do any real work once elected, but Pelosi has never stopped.
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