Spoilers -Watch the end scene after credits
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was not as bad as so many are saying. I have teenagers & preteens that love thrillers and scary movies and this worked out great for them to watch. There was no nudity/sex scenes and just mild gore, but yes people do get killed. This probably should have been rated PG-13 in my opinion. If you are looking for something to watch with your older kids this is not bad. Aside from the many F bombs, it's pretty mild. There are a few jump scares and intense scenes which was exactly what we wanted to experience. The mystery of it kept you guessing. The acting was good but not great. I think the movie could have used at least one character that stood out more or made you root for them more. The character development was just not there. A back story on how they got there or what they had in common or why they were chosen would have been a good subplot.

So anyway here are the spoilers : I had figured this movie out as soon as Ryan gets injected with something and gets stronger and starts to change. I called it in front of my family and I was right.. Most people who are giving the bad reviews didn't watch the scene right after the ending credits which reveals what I was right about.. The whole thing is an experiment to see who can survive and it all revolves around what Ryan gets injected with. All the clues and the maze is just a distraction to wear them down. The experiment is repeated with new subjects until " they " get the results they want. Each new group goes through the same ordeal until one gets injected with the mystery concoction and goes crazy & changes and then that person hunts the new group until someone survives the hunter, then they get ready for " Phase 2 " which I assume there will be a sequel : maybe / maybe not.

Overall I give this movie a 8 to help with the bad ratings but really I'd give it a 6 . It was different and entertaining and kept you guessing. The teens liked it.
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