Flowing Gold (1940)
Good Natured Romp Amid The Oil Wells
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a particular fan of Pat O'Brien's, nor did I dislike him. Just depended on the film. And while eatching this film I realized that I never paid much attention to John Garfield. In this movie I enjoyed both of them, and got to thinking that perhaps it was the kind of role that Garfield often appeared in that made me ignore him. Frances Farmer is not an actress I'm very familiar with, either, and does well here. As do some of the character actors here, such as Raymond Walburn, Cliff Edwards, and Tom Kennedy (as "Petunia").

It''s a good natured fiolm, and perhaps it will give you the chance to learn about the early years of oil exploration and wildcatting. Looked pretty real, for the most part.

The plot is built around trying to bring in a new oil well, with many obstacles, most importantly that John Garfield's character is wanted for murder, not to mention the love triangle involving Garfield, Farmer, and O"Brien. That was, at least for me, the disappointing aspect of the film. At the end we're given the impression that Garfield will go to trail and win, but for my tastes, that would have been as good a story as the oil field itself. Part II anyone?

It's well worth a look.
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