Holiday Inn (1942)
Underneath the cheesy script and mild controversy is a top notch musical with top stars and unforgettable musical numbers.
3 January 2023
Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn. Its got the best A-list talent for a musical you could ask for in 1942. The immortal Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire still in the prime of a long and successful career, with wonderful supporting help from Marjorie Reynolds and Virginia Dale who you couldn't do without. It also introduces the timeless christmas classic staple 'White Christmas' to the moviegoing audience for the first time (also the basis for the movie of the same name with Crosby a few years later). When it plays you'll absolutely revel in it, its calming and beautiful.

Holiday Inn as a title is appropriate because that's the backdrop that takes center stage here. Crosby retired from a song and dance routine tries his hand at farming but finds being lazy (a great number!) and not having to work a much better idea and remodels the farm into an inn literally open only on holidays; including Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Independence Day and of course Christmas! And to his closest friends surprise its a sold out hit with packed crowds and the excuse to throw out some showstopping musical numbers.

The music the main highlight of the movie here and the singing and dancing is incredible and at times literally (!) explosive. My favorite tunes of course the previously mentioned 'White Christmas' and 'Lazy' and also 'Be Careful, Its My Heart'.

The story is a bit corny and is the weakness of Holiday Inn. Its spins a romantic web between all 4 main characters that's dizzier than a 1940s film noir. Trying to keep up and make sense of it will just leave you in a bind. But it has alot of heart and a good dose of comedy, my highlight the maid Mamie and her two children, adorable little boy and girl, its always a howl when they appear.

As far as controversy, you may already know it has a musical number involving 'Blackface' which of course for the time period was general practice. Banned on broadcast TV its obviously offensive but it doesn't hurt the film in any way in my opinion. Just understand to seek out a censored version if that's not your taste. Other than its a good christmas musical worth watching for White Christmas of course and the talents of Crosby & Astaire and a talented supporting cast. For fans of the musicals of Irving Berlin as well!
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