Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Call 9-1-1, Your Ex-Wife and The Mother of Your Children Has Fallen Off The Face of The Planet!
2 January 2023
For several episodes, I kept saying, call the police! Something is obviously not right here. Her departure was erratic and untimely and now she's a day past child pickup. Two days past. Three days past. A week.

Nothing. Not a phone call. A text. No responses. She's not answering. Nothing to show that she's even alive. There are kids involved here. And still nothing.

Call the police.

Want a show that will drive you crazy with unrealistic human behavior and situations?

This is it.

The writing is mediocre at best. The casting is mismatched.

Claire Danes and Jesse Eisenberg?


They don't look right together.

But with good writing and chemistry between the actors, they might be believable as husband and wife, former lovers on the downward spiral.

Individually, in past performances, they are fantastic at their craft.

Here, especially together, they are not strongest in their parts There is a scene where Eisenberg visits the family summer home in an attempt to locate his missing ex-spouse and the police are called to the residence by a friend or neighbor appointed by his ex to watch the house while it is at times vacant.

Eisenberg asks no questions of this neighbor or friend. At all.

Have you seen my ex wife? Have you heard from my ex wife?

Nothing. Not a peep.


When the police do show in the Hamptons to question Eisenberg's character, again he asks or says nothing of them.

Hey, btw, my ex-wife is missing. I haven't seen her in several days, she was supposed to get the kids in days gone by. Just fyi.

Nothing. Heck, if she turns up as a corpse at this point in Central Park, he'd for sure be a person of interest and with his odd, off putting, irregular behavior he'd be a prime suspect to boot.

This is overall a story about Jewish Gen X Manhattanite forty-somethings having a modern day 21st Century mid-life crisis in 2016.

Kids. Career. Family life. The city vs. The suburbs. Parenting vs. Partying. Fraternizing vs. Fulfillment.

Also unrealistic, is Eisenberg's tremendous success on the dating apps. I just don't buy that, either.

It's also funny how his ex-wife's circle constantly treats the fact that Eisenberg is a physician and surgeon as some sort of charity work or good deed. Like, the man isn't doing well financially in their minds. This is an ongoing theme in their silly social circles.

Christian Slater makes a brief appearance as some big fictitious writer, but he is still greatly appreciated and awesome as always Just as fictitious is the cleanliness of NYC in every scene. Not one piece of trash anywhere. The place is just spotless.

The brightest light in all of this is Lizzy Caplan as Libby and Mozhan Marino' as Nahid. They are both remarkable.

Danes is still fabulous given her material. The material itself is not that great at all.

There is a scene of a horrid medical malpractice that should have also warranted criminal charges were this reality. The show just lets it go.

That whole scenario hard to watch.

The whole show is hard to watch episode to episode.

If it's not the unbelievable storylines, it's the ridiculous relationships.

Fleishman is in trouble because his show is boring, and whiny and with very few highlights but loads and loads of lowlights.

If that's the trouble you seek, you shall find it in abundance here.
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