Low expectations, but high results! 10/10
2 January 2023
Listen, I'll be honest and say the previews for this movie did not excite me; however, both my husband and I ended up loving it! It premiered on January 1st, and was fun, playful, lighthearted, had great banter and chemistry between the leads, was energetic and entertaining, and was the perfect movie to jump start the new year. I don't typically enjoy dog training movies, but this one worked for me.

At one point, it looked like it was about to go deep into some family drama, but they only used that information to explain a reaction to something else, and kept it moving. It did not bring down the mood of the movie, which often times can happen.

I would say this movie is best to watch when you are needing a break from the heaviness of life.

It was such a wonderful pick-me-up!
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