Thinner (1996)
Tom Holland pulled it off
2 January 2023
Thinner: a Stephen King adaption that always gets a bad a wrap. I read this novel when I was 10 and it always stuck with me... the themes on greed, gluttony, and guilt.... And revenge. I've always seen this as a good adaption of the novel and don't understand the hate. Director Tom Holland is consistent with the pacing in this. It's not a long movie to sit through but it sure is packed pretty tight. One big thing about this movie I really think stands out is the special FX and costume design. They couldn't have done a better job for the time. Also, the casting is great. Maybe not the most notable actors but there are some really good performances here.

Obviously these ~2h adaptions of novels have to leave so much out. I understand the frustration when a theme or character or understory gets left on the cutting room floor... I think it should have also been a little more "rated R" for the screen but that's for us nerds to have with our books! And of course there's a few cheesy moments in the picture that are fun to laugh at... it is a movie from the mid 90's so of course there's cheese lol

Is it the greatest adaption from Stephen King? No. Is it the worse? Far from it. As of Jan 2023, it's on HBO Max, great popcorn movie to watch with your partner or friends!
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