Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
The acting and the script
31 December 2022
As an almost 40-year old guy I'm totally aware that I'm not the shows main target audience. I can also say that I appreciate its "shallowness" as it makes it possible to have going in the background while I work and not lose the plot. It can be entertaining and the creativity is impressive.

With that being said my biggest problem with the show is it's lost potential. This could have been so much more. The main problem is the storyline that goes from epic to really petty trying to create tension where none is needed. The same interpersonal bickering is not interesting nor credible the fifteenth time it's brought up.

The acting seems to be a reflection of the script, very immature and unnatural. I dare say that basically every actor is quite mediocre. They act, they don't actually feel or believe what they're doing. It makes it fake and unbelievable. Notice how many of them have the same gestures, expressions and movements as each other. It's like mass manufactured acting.

Lastly the effects. Motherland is a show that has proven to use some cool effects. Unfortunately this is combined with some really bad ones which takes you out of the experience. With all the gestures and motions that magic requires it's already a bit over the top. The show could benefit from "less is more". You don't have to show the general talking to her daughter via a mirror, we understand and their acting skills are not good enough to hold up that kind of scene.
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