Review of Jersey Girl

Jersey Girl (1992)
31 December 2022
Mega cheesey movie full of ugly fashion, bad hair, and weak sentiment. You can tell this was a poor man's Pretty Woman. I didn't have high hopes going into it but I'm finding myself increasingly annoyed by the protagonist. Toby is somehow more childish than the kids she babysits! She latches onto the idea that getting a successful boyfriend will somehow progress her own life with virtually no effort on her part, other than maybe obsessively pursuing and seducing a complete stranger. I guess that's where the fairy tale nonsense comes into play, that we're all hoping for some miracle love to make us feel "complete" or at least in Toby's case financially endowed because it's her primary motivator. She wants to look expensive and like she's going somewhere but the only place she'll be going is to wherever her boyfriend goes. It's a sad rather sexist and not terribly romantic narrative. It's not helped at all by the fact that her would be boyfriend Sal is as class obsessed and shallow as she is. Not to mention there aren't very likeable qualities in either character as people. I felt like Toby's friends were far more interesting in the meager minutes of screen time they had, and I would've preferred seeing each individual woman's backstory than anything to do with Toby! I want to know what makes Cookie so tough, why Dottie hasn't ever had an orgasm, or if the plus size lady will find love and respect? I guess I wanted to see something more realistic and not so Hallmark-esque. It's passable for a rainy day but I'll never come back to it.
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