Violent Night (2022)
This Santa Dies Hard
30 December 2022
Possibly the most tedious film question ever asked is, "is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" Violent Night says "what if Die Hard WAS a Christmas movie?"

Its an excellent mix of two genres. First and foremost it's a (very violent) man in a tight spot action movie but hidden beneath is a traditional Christmas story of people becoming believers and a jaded main character getting their feative mojo back.

The film success is largely down to David Harbour's fantastic turn as a disillusioned St Nick. His ability to project charisma even when appearing tired and fed up carries the day, or in this case, night. He also cleverly avoids the trap of playing Santa too dark, for all his boozing and necessary killing he is still recognisably Father Christmas. The rest of the cast are all decent as well, with John Leguiziamo making a fun villian. Even the child character manages to not be annoying, although some of her dialogue hints that they had originally wanted a younger actress than Leah Brady.

The other big plus Violent Night has is its, well violence. The set pieces go above and beyond, with villians being impaled, burned and dismembered. Highlights include a Home Alone inspired sequence (turns out the invaders in this film are a lot less durable than Harry and Marv) and a Mortal Kombat worthy finish to the final showdown. There's also a decent vain of comedy even if you won't exactly be guffawing in the aisles.

There are a couple of things that take you out of proceedings, like the bad guys refusal to just shoot their guns and some very generic family interactions, but overall Violent Night is a very fun couple of hours.

8 lumps of coal for 10 naughty mercenaries.
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