Glass Onion (2022)
Not one for mystery fans
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a mystery lover, this one disappointed me. The first movie, KNIVES OUT, was a reasonable reworking of the murder mystery genre but this one merely copies that and forget to be a mystery in its own right. It instead becomes an open satire of the mega rich and a certain Twitter-owning individual in particular, which is fine, but I couldn't help but feel this was missold. The first half is enjoyable, Craig's broad performance in particular a hoot, but then we start breaking all of the rules and overflowing with cliches. There's an excruciating fifty-minute flashback, a cheesy twin twist, and even the old saved-by-a-bullet-hitting-something-in-their-pocket moment, which I openly groaned at. As for the mindlessly destructive climax, is this the best they could come up with?
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