Welcome to the Jungle. Instead of fun and games, we have filth and boredom!
29 December 2022
In the wondrous world of cult and exploitation cinema, there are two sub genres that always look tremendously spectacular and authentically shocking, but in fact, these are exactly the two sub genres that feature the absolute worst, dullest, and frustratingly tame movies. I'm referring to Naziploitation flicks and Women-in-Prison movies. Sure, they always look twisted and perverse, but rest assured they are the most boring, substantially void, and anti-erotic movies you'll ever watch. Most adult porno films I have watched are more sophisticated, elegant, and professional than these. And they treat the female cast members better as well.

"Escape from Hell" is just as described here above. The "hell" from the title is a female prison camp located somewhere deep in the Brazilian rainforest. The women are scantily dressed and must work hard all day in the burning sun, while their sleazy male guards sit in the shadows. Whenever a poor girl tries to escape, the guards hunt her down, rape and kill her, and they put into a report that she was killed by a jaguar. Yes, that sort of prison. The women eventually team up and persuade the alcoholic camp doctor to stage their great escape.

Feel free to skip this one; - either you have seen it all before, or you don't want to see it. Anthony Steffen was never a great actor (he usually played in spaghetti westerns when better actors like Franco Nero weren't available for the lead roles), but this is the definite low point of his career. I'd say the same for Luciano Pigozzi, but he specialized in playing creeps and pervs, and poor screenplay quality was never a barrier for him.
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