A Shoe Addict's Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Another what if
29 December 2022
6.4 stars.

It's obvious to me now that Candace likes to do "what if", time travel, and fantasy Christmas movies. This is the third I've seen her in, and I'm sure there are more. I didn't hate this movie, however I still can't get past my slight aversion to her. I enjoy the lead male, he's in a lot of these and he never fails to entertain. He could not carry this one, and his part was a bit too limited. This focused 65% on her, and maybe 15% on him and 15% on the "angel" and 5% on the rest. It's one of the better what if movies by Hallmark, not the best, but above average. Using the shoes as the conveyance, like Dorothy, is a nice homage to Oz. What was not to like about this, not much, only that it stalls in a few places, there is a strange lack of flow, and there is very little chemistry. So this is about changing your life, so then at least make her life a really dismal one in desperate need of change not an average life. The angel said she need a serious push, but her life wasn't really that bad, now if she had been an alcoholic, or exotic dancer (too adult for Hallmark), or maybe a bag lady, or even a waitress, or cashier...

The movie is probably loved by many, and not by few and some people think it's average. I'm in the average group.
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