Not Bad
28 December 2022
I normally only review shows that I either really enjoy, or shows/movies that I have been thoroughly disappointed by. The Witcher Blood Origin is neither of the above.

I simply felt as though I had to review because of the plethora of bad reviews of this show. How can you judge a whole series when you freely admit that you could t watch a single episode ?? I just don't get it.

Look everyone is upset the Geralt is not going to be Geralt anymore, he is going to be a different Geralt but I will not judge a show that neither Geralt's are in just because I'm annoyed that Mr Cavill decided that he didn't want to catch a coin anymore. We will never find out the real reason he left, it might have been Superman, it may have been the direction of the show, Henry is the only one who knows, and he is keeping schtum.

Thors little brother might be fantastic in the role he also may be utterly terrible only time will tell, one thing is for sure is that it will be different.

Now for Blood Origin, is it amazing, no it's not, is it the worst show Netflix have ever created, well no it's not that either. It's decent fantasy, showing us a time we have never seen nor read about on parent show or books. Yes I did find it interesting that Elves were at some point just like Humans, selfish, proud ambitious and many other similar adjectives. They turned on themselves and probably made it easy for us humans to nearly wipe them out.

I also found it interesting where some of the 'things' we have seen on the Witcher originated from, I will not go into spoilers here because I do actually encourage people to watch the show

So take it from me as someone who managed to sit through the full series it's not bad, reasonably good in fact, please do not judge a whole series on fanboys who couldn't even manage to watch a full episode just because it's not the Witcher. No it's not, but the Mandalorian, isn't set at the same time as Star Wars, it's not got the same characters in (Boba Fett being an exception I know before someone flames me). But I don't hear anyone saying that it's not Star Wars.

Look that's all Netflix are doing here, they have stumbled on a huge success in the Witcher so they are trying to create a universe just the same as Star Wars and Marvel and even DC did it with The Arroverse, just not as well. And you cannot blame them for that, they will have paid squillions for the rights to the Witcher et al, all they are doing is trying to make a couple of quid or a few new subscribers before the magic (or people watching it) run out

Back in your box please haters !! Says me climbing down from my high horse.
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