Review of Bear

Bear (I) (2011)
A sequel one step further
28 December 2022
Spider was so enthusiastically received by the public that fans constantly asked the director if Jill survived and, if so, if she would continue with Jack after that. In answer to both questions, came the direct sequel Bear. To paraphrase "Jack, you always go too far. You always go one step too far" that Jill, Jack's now ex-girlfriend, had to say about his humor in Spider. Like all good sequels, Bear picks up the formula of the original and ups the ante. This time the action takes us out into the wilderness. The director liked the idea of people not being safe from Jack, wherever he was.

Jack with a new girlfriend, played by Teresa Palmer begins to unleash a birthday surprise, which is predictable because of the expectations created by its predecessor. But here Edgerton is not trying to surprise you, he plays with suspense and effective parallel editing, a very measured tempo, as Jack rushes off to meet Emilie (Teresa Palmer), to surprise her with a little birthday celebration in the woods and the most far-fetched idea of all...

*A more detailed review can be found on the youtube channel Kristonkino.
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