Glass Onion (2022)
Fun but predictable
28 December 2022
I enjoyed this movie and there's nothing really wrong with it. It just isn't all that great. By the end of the movie I had a feeling who the killer was, which ended up being true. I was waiting for another twist but nope, that was it. I understand he's supposed to be the worlds greatest detective, but it just seemed too easy for him to put together.

Besides that, some of the characters are forgettable. If you compare this to a movie like Clue, where every character was interesting and brought something to the table, this falls short. Craig and Norton are excellent. I don't know why people are riding Craig for his accent. I thought it was good.

I didn't understand the whole mask pandemic thing. It's only in the beginning of the movie. I just kept thinking that it was stupid and probably won't age well. Didn't affect the plot at all so why put that in there?

Overall it's a fun movie and worth watching but don't expect too much out of it. Had a cool vibe though and enough interesting twists to keep me entertained. Not every movie has to be a masterpiece.
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