Nancy is Awesome, but the doc is not
27 December 2022
Disclaimers: I'm a democrat, a woman, and I respect Nancy Pelosi. This documentary had SO much potential to go behind the scenes and show what it is really like to rise to the top in DC and become the top woman in politics. I watched for the behind-the-scenes looks at what Nancy is like at home, with family, with Paul, with her other political friends. We got only the smallest glimpse of those things, which were awesome when they came, but after 20+ years of footage, Alexandra chose to focus on Trump and his insurrection. This documentary came out less than two years after January 6, 2021 and we (The People) have all seen the press coverage from that day. We were there. It hasn't even left the forefront of our minds as legal proceedings are still underway. Alexandra really could've done an entire documentary ON that day from her mother's vantage point! But alas, an incredible woman who had an incredible career of her very own... and her own daughter chose to tell it intertwined with Trump. Nancy is every bit the badass you expected, but she deserved better.
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