Senior Skip Day (2008 Video)
Subpar teen comedy
26 December 2022
From the title and cover art, it is easy to see the comparisons to previous 1999/2000's teen comedies like the American Pie franchise, Van Wilder and Superbad.

This film isn't on the level of those for several reasons. The comedy here isn't funny. There is nothing clever, witty and everything is quite standard as it takes pieces of other films. This film isn't as raunchy or explicit as others, there is strong language throughout and the occasional teen drinking/drug use but overall relatively tame.

The lead actor Adam isn't bad but he unintentionally seemed to be doing a Ryan Reynolds impersonation (acted very similar to Reynolds in Van Wilder). Mainly from his higher pitched voice tone to the talking of the camera (there was a lot of fourth wall breaking).

Senior Skip Day felt sort of unrealistic with the way the Principal was so determined in finding the party (do not understand as to why he was so keen on finding out where the party was?). Did not like how the plot switched back and forth from small scene to scene.

Just as in other teen films, a predictable and happy ending is the way to go. Ex: Lead character ends up with his crush after finding out her douche boyfriend cheated.
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