Let's rewrite history.
25 December 2022
I'm guessing this isn't an accurate depiction of the old west, but rather one the writer or writers would've hoped for in this modern age of "don't like factual history so let's make up our own!" I saw the original R. I. P. D and it was great, saw this on netflix and thought it'd be a cool movie as well. Even though it's for ENTERTAINMENT purposes, you should at least try to stay as close to true as possible. I seriously doubt two black women would've been making demands such as they did in this movie. Not only because of skin color but for being women as well. I wasn't around back then, but everyone has a preconceived notion of the old west, thanks to hollyweird. Now they want to imagine it all away!

Watching ice melt would be a better use of your time!
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