Sometimes it's not the movie you're watching, it's the one before
24 December 2022
Beloved and I just got done watching Catering Christmas.

And while it was a serviceable movie with two photogenic stars and a standard issue plot improved by a secondary relationship that had a payoff that actually made me really happy.

My main takeaway was it was a story about a capable woman who is looking to make her business work. The conflict is about expectations and a fear of losing their dreams.

Hers about her business and the relationship with a jerk who strung her along. His is about a career he's built to make his family get off his back about not joining the family business.

But this movie?

The lead is a woman who somehow on is Oprah's list when she's apparently never actually baked the thing she's supposed to be famous for.

And she's a whining person.

I gave up on her, and this movie within minutes.

I've got better things to do with my life than spend time with a whiney inept person who is apparently famous for something she doesn't know how to make.

Please pass on this and catch Catering Christmas. You'll thank me.
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