Falls short of Tolkiens Vision
24 December 2022
So .... I have watched season 1, and sadly will not continue to watch moving forward. It pains me to write it, but this Amazon series falls way short of Tolkiens vision.

First, the writing does not capture Tolkien's old world feel. While the LoTR movies did not fully capture the dialogue, they were able to hide the shortcomings with the cinematography. This Amazon series never pulled me into Tolkien's world through the story. It felt like it was always trying to describe something but you never could figure out - the what.

Second, A number of the actors seem miscast for some of the key roles. I never fully felt as though I was drawn into some of the characters. It felt like the writers were pushing round pegs in square holes.

Third, it is clear the money was spent to make it look realistic. While the cinematography clearly is the winner in this show, the acting and writing miss the mark for me.

Still waiting for someone to make a true vision of Tolkiens work.
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