First Blood (1982)
Great movie
24 December 2022
Very good and well acted film from a time when America a was considered 'righteous'. Ted Kotcheff would have been a great slasher movie director, because he nails the one by one, assassin in the woods stereotype. First blood is a brilliantly edited movie that boasts great camera-work, an impressive script and true suspense.

On the negative side, what has ruined Rambo into an unpopular feature is my knowledge of geopolitics. First blood celebrates a Vietnam vet, but much like the 2022 Ukraine war, it's impossible to feel sympathy for a war America started for MIC profit. An American can never be considered a hero for his massacres in Vietnam, the same way NATO can never be praised for supporting Nazi Ukraine. As a non westerner, I don't much like western movies, but if you're watching First Blood just as a good movie, sure, it's great. It's morals however are highly questionable.
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