Disney?... Really?...
23 December 2022
Disney, oh Disney... What is happening to you?.

Elton John, and you didn't care to add Circle of life to the show?... Questions and more questions arise.

This is Elton John we are talking about, not just your run of the mill singer soon to be forgotten. It's one of the most important influencers of the century.

( I use "influencers" as a good thing ). He is a living legend and this is supposed to be his farewell?. For me it's utterly disrespectful, for him, his fans, and followers.

Shame on you Disney. You did for Elton as much as you did for Star Wars.

The whole, before the show interviews are unnecessary and forced, not even emotional or heartwarming. And the end was equally bland.

Sorry but I'll stick to the oldies when staging, glitz, glamour and lots of surprises made a show an experience hard to follow.

This was disappointing to say the least.
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